The World Knows:

Our Belief

Our Beliefs

We believe in the Holy Trinity of three Persons consisting of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit

We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His immaculate conception, His sinless life and teachings, His crucifixion and resurrection, His ascension and 2nd coming back to earth in all of His glory to reign.

We believe in being openhanded towards the poor and the needy in our communities as God commanded us in Deuteronomy 15:11.  For we know ourselves that it is by God’s mercy that we have been blessed.

We believe in the divine power of Prayer as an avenue where we align our will with God’s will;  therefore we pray without ceasing with the assurance of testimonies through Faith. 

We believe in giving sacrifice of Praise to our God at all times, in all circumstances, even in the darkest of times.   It is God’s breath in our lungs, so we will always offer our praise to Him only.

We believe in the divine inspiration of the Bible as the infallible Word of God which serves as the instruction manual for mankind.


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